Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Even gurus have bad days!

Yes, even those that profess to 'know it all' have bad days. It's all part of the purpose of life. You see, if it weren't for challenge, then there would be no point to life.

Star Trek (the original) did a wonderful episode on what life would be like in Utopia. In the episode, Captain Kirk visits a beautiful Utopian society, which had enjoyed peace and plenty for centuries, all thanks to a plant. Yes, a plant!

You see, the plant gave off spores that interacted with the body to create a feeling of peace and joy. Suddenly everything was wonderful, and magical. Even Spock, the intellectual and emotionless Vulcan, was skipping and laughing and enjoying life as never before. So infectious was this plant-induced euphoria, soon every member of the Enterprise was on the planet, 'enjoying' paradise while the Enterprise slowly fell toward the planet below. But as Kirk dug deeper into the culture, what he found was that, while they had enjoyed peace and joy for centuries, not one advancement in this civilization had occurred. The entire planet had become stagnant, never growing, and never developing.

The point that Gene Roddenberry (creator of Star Trek) was making is that Utopia is not an emotion or a feeling, but a place of freedom to be who we really are. It's a place to experience and be challenged, a place to grow and develop, unfettered by restraints.

Unfortunately, too many 'quick fix' schemes today promise just the Utopia shown in that Star Trek episode, an induced and artificial Utopia that dulls the mind and forces the individual to adapt to the expected norm, abandoning their true self.

I've seen many examples of this. Things like subliminal messages to 'control' the subconscious. Mental programming techniques and guides to altering your 'bad' behaviors and thoughts.
I'm going to let you in on a secret: YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE!

Got that? Good!

Yes, even gurus have bad days, but the difference is they understand that the 'bad' day is not a 'bad' thing. It is only a lesson they need to learn. So, instead of running around shouting that the sky is falling, they examine the cause of that 'bad' day and find the lesson that it holds. In finding that lesson, they advance and become better for it. For you see, Utopia is not a physical place, it is a space within the heart and mind. It is a place that allows you to learn and grow and develop. Utopia is all about the 'U'.

Utopia comes from Greek roots. It derives its meaning from the words outopia, meaning "no place" and eutopia, meaning "a place where everything is right." So, Utopia is really not a place (it is internal), but a state in which everything is right and in balance. In other words, Utopia is the internal harmony of the focused mind which is in balance with the world around it.

Does that mean that you need to feel terrible to be happy? No! What it means is that you need to feel ALIVE! You are here to be challenged and to learn. Utopia is in your grasp, and in your heart. Stop looking anywhere else - it's right there inside of you, just itching to come out and be experienced. As James Allen once said:

"What you are, so is your world. Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience. It matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness. It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly."

It is from these principles, with support from science, that the Universe Of Power has been formed. As written in our E-course:

You are where you are, and you are seeing what you are seeing because of what you have thought and believed in the past. You may be in a place where the information in this course seems strange and even ridiculous. Or, perhaps you've been studying these principles for some time, "getting it" at an intellectual level, but not seeing the kind of results you expected.

Our invitation is for you to progressively realize these principles at the deepest part of your soul, so that they are not merely intellectual ideas, but become how you live your life. Life then becomes a mystery not to be solved, but to be experienced with the utmost joy and exhilaration.

You will soon find that you are less bothered by trivial matters, and suffer from fewer emotional highs and lows. Certainly, there is grief, loss, and pain. But, you see these situations as part of the miracle of life because you know they are fleeting, and with your mind and your heart you soon find yourself in a better situation.

And if the "elixir of life" you're being offered sounds too good to be true then just maybe it is. For no potion, no 'exercise', no new method can change your life for the better. Only you can do that. All you need is the desire to be the U that U were meant to be. Then you will find U-topia.



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